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What do your family and friends think of Libera?

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:49 pm
by KP
Just wondering what your family and friends think of Libera.
Besides two wonderful Libera pals, all my friends seem sort of indifferent.
Occasionally they'll make comments like, "They sound like girls."
Excuse me? They do not! I wish girls could sing that well!
My mum, dad, and sisters think they're "okay"
(Sigh) Ah, well. I suppose it's a bit fun liking something that not many other people around you like.
It's really great having this site, though. Knowing we're not alone!

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:00 pm
by xsakurax
Haha. Agreed,we are not alone!
My parents have no objections to me listening to any kind of songs, but most friends kind of think that choir kind of songs are really boring, waste of time, or even weird taste and stuff and that. But all in all, I think Libera's really great! So I don't give a hoot about what others say. :D I can't explain why but I kind of enjoy listening to young treble boys' singing!

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:30 pm
by Quinnsome
I have two friends who love Libera. That's awesome. They are awesome. :D
My other friends may think it's a bit odd that I'm a fan of little boys singing, but they don't hate Libera or anything. They just don't understand why I like it.
As for my family... my mum thinks Libera is "nice". (That's pretty good, I guess. She doesn't dislike it!)
My sisters are sort of neutral when it comes to their music (they just don't really care for it) but they are big fans of some of the boys themselves (Ed, Josh, Joe, Mini-Ben...). :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:49 pm
by joo
Hm. Ha, my friends don't really like them [except for a few, who introduced me, bless their souls]. Some make rude comments about them [mostly silly little boys who have no appriciation for real music, hmff].
My sister really likes them, actually. She likes to listen to them. My brother probably thinks it'd not manly to listen to boys sing. He's silly, also. My mom likes them [she told me she'd take my to a concert if it were closer] and my dad is indifferent.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:08 am
by Anonymous
Neither my friends nor my family are into classical or choral music. I am the only one in my family and in my group of friends that listen to this kind of music. I wish they would like this music, I mean who in their right mind would not like Libera after listening to them? :roll:

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:02 pm
by William
Same here. No one I know seems to know who Libera is. Even the director of the local Boy Choir didn't know who they were when I mentioned them to him a couple of years ago. My family is pretty indifferent I think, even though my mom will be attending the concert with me in Buffalo. I told her about the official site and she checked it out. She said they were good (just good?!). My brother enjoys Celtic Woman, but passed when I offered to get him a ticket to the concert. Oh well, that's okay. I know they're awesome and I like them. That's what matters to me.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:35 pm
by tcliffy
My brother's aren't usually in their 'right mind' as Kevin put it. Neither of them can stand Libera. My parents love them as I do, though perhaps not to the extent that I do, and my mom really likes them.

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:57 pm
by JimmyRiddle
I wasn't always into the kind of music Libera make. I didn't know they existed until a couple of years ago. I think there comes a point when you look for something which takes you somewhere, that other music doesn't. I'm comfortable at the moment with the music Libera produce. Doesn't mean I don't listen to other types of music, it just means I get the fullest satisfaction from listening to Libera.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:03 pm
by Atrineas
Ah well... I got two friends, both female, that like Libera as well after I introduced it to them... Most of my male friends don't like it nor my family except for my dad, who'll go to a concert with me once they perform somewhere closer to my home...

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:59 am
by Anonymous
JimmyRiddle wrote:I wasn't always into the kind of music Libera make. I didn't know they existed until a couple of years ago. I think there comes a point when you look for something which takes you somewhere, that other music doesn't. I'm comfortable at the moment with the music Libera produce. Doesn't mean I don't listen to other types of music, it just means I get the fullest satisfaction from listening to Libera.
I cannot help but agree with every single word you said. I was never into this type of music until I discovered Libera a few years ago. I listen to a wide variety of music but I get the fullest satisfaction from listening to Libera.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:28 pm
by Liberation
Posted in another topic on this forum by myself :

Well, the first song I heard from Libera and also the clip was "Stay with me "
I heard it on an other forum which had nothing to do with music in the first place, but for some kind of reason there was a link to it.
I must tell that I heard of the name/group before but did not noticed that the music would be so nice, in fact, I new the St. Phillips boys choir because my parents had an LP of them and also had seen them on television and even later when they where known as Angel voices and singing by Songs of prais. I didn't pay much attention to them 'cause I always thought they where a choir like you see in the katholic churches, but they are very differently, and ruïn their voices singing so high. Stupid me :roll:

So yes , my family knows Libera after I told them that they where the same as "The St. Philips boys choir" And a lot of friends now listen to Libera after I told them who they are and how they sing. I had some tough colleague who thought choir music isn't for tough people and they are mostly listening to music like 'trance'/'R&B'/'hardcore'/ etc. well they do like Libera now !
In that case I let them listen to (for example) Sacris salemnis , when the beat comes up in the end and al the instruments play toghether , they always like that ! :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 6:59 am
by Anonymous
I'm just glad that more and more people are discovering Libera and falling in love with them. I hope this continues in the future, I am guessing that by the end of this year, Libera's fanbase would have increased a good 10-fold if not more :D

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:50 pm
by MWheeler
The friend (also a HUGE Libera fan) that I was taking to Friday's concert can no longer go due to a schedule change where she works. :( So, I'll be taking a friend along who has never heard, or even heard OF Libera.

Can you imagine... your first exposure to Libera being a live concert!?!?!? It will be very interesting to see what he thinks. Even though I've explained that they are only performing five concerts in the USA, I don't think he comprehends how truly fortunate we are to be able to see them in person!!!

I'm tempted to play Libera CD's for the entire two hour drive to Buffalo to acquaint him with their music. On the other hand, it might be nice for him to have the complete experience with no prior knowledge of their sound, musical style, costuming etc..

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:11 pm
by JimmyRiddle
Do the latter. Let him be introduced to the Libera sound live in concert. He will need to have a heart of stone, not to be in some way affected by their music. For every song they do that he may think, yeah that was okay, they will perform another song that will leave him feeling awestruck.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:36 am
by Anonymous
I am sure he will like Libera. I'm only a young teenager and I was able to fall in love with Libera, I never heard of them before and I used to hate this kind of music. But when I first heard them, I was awestruck. It wasnt live but it felt like it was, it was just so beautiful. I am sure your friend will enjoy them, will probably get hooked to them. Dont spoil it, wait until you guys arrive to the venue and the show actually begins. I'm sure the first few notes of the first song will have him instantly hooked.