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Olympics 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:05 am
by maartendas
I saw the opening ceremony last night and really liked it. It was spectacular but never overblown, very dynamic and creative and even funny.
Just a real pity that Libera was not a part of it (I knew they wouldn't be, but still). They would have fitted perfectly, because children and music were both running themes. If they had been the ones to sing Abide With Me during the choreography at the end of the show it would have been truly a magical moment...

Anyway, here's a place to share all your Olympic thoughts.

And for those in London looking for inspiration after all the perspiration, this is a great way to do so:

Re: Olympics 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:05 pm
by LennesSL
Totally Agree.. Especially when "Abide with me" was started I thought Libera would fit in perfectly..

Re: Olympics 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:55 pm
by theforestdweller
The fact of Libera being an all boys choir would possibly be against them. A mixed choir sends a better message of inclusiveness and equality for such an event.

Re: Olympics 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:36 pm
by maartendas
theforestdweller, that's actually quite a sound statement that I hadn't thought of yet.

Re: Olympics 2012

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:45 pm
by Yorkie
I bought the CD of the opening ceremony music today and it got me to thinking about who the kid was who sang the opening solo to Jerusalem:

Who was that kid?

I found on YouTube the official olympic channel that has the full opening ceremony (hope it works outside the UK):

[BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

There will be a DVD released in October with the full opening & closing ceremony on featuring Danny Boyle's Directors cut - I think I'll get it :D

Amazon DVD

Re: Olympics 2012

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:53 pm
by maartendas
Thanks for these memories :)
The video works fine, except you need to watch on YT as they don't allow embedding.
That DVD sounds like a perfect gift, I was hoping they would release it :)

As a nice coincidence, I'll be at the official welcoming ceremony tomorrow of the Dutch paralympic team, to write a report for a sport-themed issue of a literary magazine :)

Re: Olympics 2012

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:25 pm
by Yorkie
maartendas wrote:Thanks for these memories :)
The video works fine, except you need to watch on YT as they don't allow embedding.
That DVD sounds like a perfect gift, I was hoping they would release it :)

As a nice coincidence, I'll be at the official welcoming ceremony tomorrow of the Dutch paralympic team, to write a report for a sport-themed issue of a literary magazine :)
Good luck with your report. Can't be too long to go before your King's concert :D