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Ralph Skan

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:53 am
by maartendas
I can't believe there wasn't a topic about Ralph yet ;) I seem to make all these new topics when I just want to leave a single comment about a certain member :lol:
Anyway, Ralph has ofcourse grown in the past two years as one of Libera's main and most beloved soloists. His voice has seemed to be developing wonderfully over the past year and many fans also speak warmly of his personality which they encounter at M&G's. A kind and humble soul it seems, and especially gifted.

I for one have always been struck by his solo in The Fountain from the first time I heard it and some of you know that I went to Epsom partly because it would be a chance to hear him sing it live which was my wish ever since the song became dear to me.
I remember that night as being really his night, with so many wonderful solos, sung so composed even though there were some difficulties sometimes (several boys seemed to deal with colds at the time ;)). I also remember his very clear and gentle solo on When A Knight Won His Spurs which was perfect for this new charming arrangement they had made. And ofcourse the world premiere of Song of Life, a song which has rapidly become one of Libera fans' favourites, and Ralph does a superb job at it.

Having said all that, now the comment I merely meant to make ;) and that is that his style of singing recently is so full of emotion that I am inclined to call him a real artist. When you look at the videos of Himig Ng Pasko, the QVC appearance and O Holy Night, you see he often has his eyes closed, immersed in song and really feeling the words.
Every chorister has his own signature style of singing but Ralph's is the most touching to me right now. So I want to salute this gentle artistic soul and pray he may retain this wonderful humbleness and sensitivity as he grows :)


(thanks to DearMadine for the screenshot)

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:36 pm
by Soliir
Before we met Ralph in Philippines, he was just a normal boy for us. After we back to China, he is our No.1 favorite. :)
This boy got magic! :lol:

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:04 pm
by carina_gino20
I, too, just really love watching Ralph when he sings. It looks like he lets the music take over and his singing and movement just become one smooth and fluid action. He is a beautiful lad, inside and out. From the very first time I listened to the Fountain and took a guess that he was the owner of that stunning voice to this day that he has taken up more solo responsibilities, I just love how humble he has stayed. He's one of those boys that always has a ready smile. Probably one of the kindest kids I've met. The Libera boys all have different personalities. Ben Philipp makes you comfortable by being his outgoing, gregarious self, Kavana by just being good in PR all-around, mini James before with his adorable cuteness, and so the list goes. Ralph makes you feel welcome because of his humility and sincerity.

I was so happy to finally hear him sing The Fountain live in Oct. Brought tears to my eyes, that one.

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:47 pm
by Sue
I definitely agree carina & maarten!!! When I first saw him among the other boys in 2008, this boy had me. Then I was very curious about him & look at this wonderful person to whom he has grown up now! He's so warm-hearted, friendly, sensitive & to the Libera mini-boys so carefully. And he's very thankfully about his success how we could see in the qvc-interview.
There's nothing bad to say about Ralph, really sero sero nada nothing bad :D
For me he's a very wonderful special person.

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:53 am
by liberainchicago
He really did well on the O Holy Night vid.

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:43 pm
by Julia
Ralph is such a great kid. He never ceases to amaze me with his vocal talent. Wish I could sing like that :)
Even more than that, he really truly seems to appreciate the fans, and he always has a smile on his face. He is so careing to the younger boys, and he really lights up the world around him just by being himself :D not many people have that gift.

All that to say that this is a great topic for a great Libera boy. Hope he stays for a very, very long time, and that he always keeps his sweet disposition :D A truly rare thirteen year-old :wink:

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:09 pm
by maartendas
In the Singapore concert thread, carina_gino20 posted an interview with Barney and Ralph :" onclick=";return false;
When asked about his most memorable performance, Ralph answers: "I think that was the Papal Mass at the Yankee Stadium—that was amazing." But I don't see him in the footage of that day. Did the cameras miss him?


Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:00 am
by Lauren
maartendas wrote:In the Singapore concert thread, carina_gino20 posted an interview with Barney and Ralph :" onclick=";return false;
When asked about his most memorable performance, Ralph answers: "I think that was the Papal Mass at the Yankee Stadium—that was amazing." But I don't see him in the footage of that day. Did the cameras miss him?
I thought that was strange also since that's the answer Kavana usually gives. The Papal Mass in April 2008 was the last stop on their US tour - Buffalo, Hartford, Albany, Pittsburg & NYC. They took 19 boys, but Ralph was not one of them. I wonder if the author of the article got the quotes from Ralph & Kavana mixed up.

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:25 am
by madine_lover
Lauren wrote:
maartendas wrote:In the Singapore concert thread, carina_gino20 posted an interview with Barney and Ralph :" onclick=";return false;
When asked about his most memorable performance, Ralph answers: "I think that was the Papal Mass at the Yankee Stadium—that was amazing." But I don't see him in the footage of that day. Did the cameras miss him?
I thought that was strange also since that's the answer Kavana usually gives. The Papal Mass in April 2008 was the last stop on their US tour - Buffalo, Hartford, Albany, Pittsburg & NYC. They took 19 boys, but Ralph was not one of them. I wonder if the author of the article got the quotes from Ralph & Kavana mixed up.
OMJ! Thanks Lauren. Yes, I think they mixed up Ralph and Kavana. Besides the Papal Mass answer, "suggestion from his teaches to try Libera audition. That one is the usual answer of Kavana if people ask him how he joins Libera.

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:54 am
by tom413
I thought this was a curious answer as well, although I took Ralph's answer to mean that he thought the
Yankee Stadium experience was most memorable for Libera - not for him personally.

Ralph's first appearance on US shores was at St Margaret in Palm Desert, California in 2009.
To my knowledge, his first public appearance with Libera was the performance after
Yankee Stadium at Queen Elizabeth Hall, London in May 2008.

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:14 am
by lacrymosa2
"Kavana Crossley has done an interview with a local publication! We'll share it when it becomes available." @LiberaSingapore
I think therein lies the answer...

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:24 pm
by maartendas
Then again... Mumford & Sons sounds like a band Ralph would like.

Re: Ralph Skan

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:45 pm
by JimmyRiddle
I think it is Kavana - it ties in with the statement of being in the choir for 6 half years. I don't think Ralph would have sat 2 years on the probation bench, I'm guessing Ralph was more a 10-11 entry rather than 7-8.