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Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:23 am
by BrightEyes
TullyBascombe wrote:I have to admit I really can't get behind songs about rodents. I feel the same way aboiut "Ben" ( the song).
Well I get the heebie jeebies when I listen to "Ben". Rats make me cringe!

But come on Tully, these are rabbits, you know... like Bugs Bunny, and Peter Cottontail.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:19 pm
by LiberAeterna
BrightEyes wrote:
LiberAeterna wrote:
Thanks again BrightEyes! I did enjoy the interview and all five boys were their usual adorable selves. It must be time consuming for the boys to record all their parts separately. I wonder how long it normally takes to record a whole album?

By the way, I love the song you take your name from :). Justin Hayward sings a nice version with orchestra on an album called Classic Blue.
Hey LiberAeterna, I'm glad you liked the Nutcracker interview. Ralph "cracked" me up with his "Ouch" comments.

Thanks for telling me about the Justin Heyward album. I've always liked his voice and I love a lot of Moody Blues songs. He did a song called "Forever Autumn" that was on Jeff Wayne's musical of "War of the Worlds" that was a really beautiful song too. It would make a good Libera track I think.

Regarding Bright Eyes, it's nice to see some of the other fans here on the forum like it too :)

Maartendas was kind of enough to send me a link to a version by Joseph McManners... It is a fine rendition as well:


And when I was looking for Justin Heyward's version, I found Declan Galbraith did it too:

Thanks for that BrightEyes :D! Joseph did sound pretty good on that song. Declan wasn't bad on that but he is a bit nasally I guess. I am glad you know of "Forever Autumn"! I love that song too and am a fan of the Jeff Wayne musical version of War Of The Worlds. The song would make a good Libera track I think as well. Since you a Justin Hayward fan do you have the album he did with the bassist from the Moody Blues, John Lodge, called Blue Jays? That is an excellent album as well. His solo albums are quite good too. Sorry to go a bit off topic here .. :(

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:20 pm
by Rebecca (:
BrightEyes wrote:
TullyBascombe wrote:I have to admit I really can't get behind songs about rodents. I feel the same way aboiut "Ben" ( the song).
Well I get the heebie jeebies when I listen to "Ben". Rats make me cringe!

But come on Tully, these are rabbits, you know... like Bugs Bunny, and Peter Cottontail.
I had to back someone up on 'Ben' last year.. I couldn't stop laughing at the fact he was singing about a rat.. speaking of rats, we let my cat outside about 15 minutes ago, and with in 5 minutes he'd caught one!

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:17 pm
by BrightEyes
Rebecca (: wrote:
BrightEyes wrote:
TullyBascombe wrote:I have to admit I really can't get behind songs about rodents. I feel the same way aboiut "Ben" ( the song).
Well I get the heebie jeebies when I listen to "Ben". Rats make me cringe!

But come on Tully, these are rabbits, you know... like Bugs Bunny, and Peter Cottontail.
I had to back someone up on 'Ben' last year.. I couldn't stop laughing at the fact he was singing about a rat.. speaking of rats, we let my cat outside about 15 minutes ago, and with in 5 minutes he'd caught one!
You have a good cat, Rebecca.

'Ben' just gives me the creeps after seeing the movie, which I only saw once, thank god. I mean this rat was leader of a pack of killer rats!

Yeah... I'll take rabbits anyday.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:21 pm
by BrightEyes
LiberAeterna wrote: Thanks for that BrightEyes :D! Joseph did sound pretty good on that song. Declan wasn't bad on that but he is a bit nasally I guess. I am glad you know of "Forever Autumn"! I love that song too and am a fan of the Jeff Wayne musical version of War Of The Worlds. The song would make a good Libera track I think as well. Since you a Justin Hayward fan do you have the album he did with the bassist from the Moody Blues, John Lodge, called Blue Jays? That is an excellent album as well. His solo albums are quite good too. Sorry to go a bit off topic here .. :(
Hey LiberAeterna,

I will post a reply to this in the Misc > "Other Choirs and/or Singers that you like thread" :)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:57 am
by TullyBascombe
BrightEyes wrote:
TullyBascombe wrote:I have to admit I really can't get behind songs about rodents. I feel the same way aboiut "Ben" ( the song).
Well I get the heebie jeebies when I listen to "Ben". Rats make me cringe!

But come on Tully, these are rabbits, you know... like Bugs Bunny, and Peter Cottontail.
I've worked with laboratory rats and my kids have a pair of miniature rabbits. I've had gerbils and hamsters as pets. Honestly rabbits have to be the dumbest animals to make the grade of "mammal". Dogs and cats have plenty of personality, rats, gerbils and hamsters are at least generally lively and reactive, but rabbits? It's like having a pet turnip.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:55 am
by BrightEyes
TullyBascombe wrote:It's like having a pet turnip.
:lol: Well at least a rabbit is cuter than a turnip!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:32 am
by Mathmaniac
BrightEyes wrote:
TullyBascombe wrote:It's like having a pet turnip.
:lol: Well at least a rabbit is cuter than a turnip!
And tastier!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:39 am
by BrightEyes
Mathmaniac wrote:
BrightEyes wrote:
TullyBascombe wrote:It's like having a pet turnip.
:lol: Well at least a rabbit is cuter than a turnip!
And tastier!
Next thing you know you'll be singing "Kill de Wabbit!!"

Where's all the love for these gentle woodland creatures?

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:03 pm
by maartendas
BrightEyes wrote:
Mathmaniac wrote:
BrightEyes wrote:
:lol: Well at least a rabbit is cuter than a turnip!
And tastier!
Next thing you know you'll be singing "Kill de Wabbit!!"

Where's all the love for these gentle woodland creatures?
Right here BrightEyes! I used to have a rabbit as a kid, she was really sweet and adorable - although I feel kinda sad for her as she used to try and run away and I think I could have taken better care of her... but back then I didn't really know any better... and it wasn't the best of times for me either for a responsibility like that - doing much better now with my cat :D

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:19 am
by BrightEyes
maartendas wrote: Right here BrightEyes! I used to have a rabbit as a kid, she was really sweet and adorable - although I feel kinda sad for her as she used to try and run away and I think I could have taken better care of her... but back then I didn't really know any better... and it wasn't the best of times for me either for a responsibility like that - doing much better now with my cat :D
I bet you were a great caregiver, Maarten, and rabbits aren't truly domesticated, so I think any of them would bolt for the fields if given the chance.

But I'm glad you're doing well with your cat. Rabbits really do make poor pets, so I have to agree with Tully on that point. Dogs and cats are a lot easier to care for.

I'm a dog person myself. I like Golden Retrievers cause they're so cute and loveable and also Border Collies cause they make good Frisbee dogs.

Anyhow we need to get this thread back on topic.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:54 pm
by maartendas
Currently having a passion for the Libera (1999) album. Almost perfect, except for Stabat, which is probably the only Libera song that I always skip, and the fact that I like newer versions of Libera (the song) better (the beat on this early version is a bit too heavy/dated to my ears). But this album is so strong, with songs like:

Salva Me
Irresistible, like you can hear the whole Libera adventure kickstart with the first soaring solo treble, the wavering synths, the chorus and then the beat kicking in... and it has no intention of stopping... ;) Really makes you think of all the great talent that has come before and which has paved the way for the Libera boys of today and tomorrow.

Agnus Dei
Somehow a favourite that crops up every several weeks. There is something about the melody that stays with me and pops up into my head on its own ;)

Mysterium & Jubilate
Ofcourse, after Epsom both songs are dearer to my heart. But they also form such a wonderful contrasting pair, with a very natural 'bridge'.

Beata Lux
Such a dramatic song. Gives me chills almost everytime. And I'm still surprised at the creativity and orginality of the sound of it. Hard to think of a similar song in the Libera catalogue.

Dies Irae
Been whistling this all day yesterday ;) I love the medieval/folky side of Libera songs, like Gaudete and any song with recorders and flutes etc :) and those nice sounding drums ;)

Lux aeterna
This one especially is getting to me lately. I really like Adam Harris' voice and the song as a whole is very moving, mysterious and calming at the same time.

And ofcourse the first ever version of their classic Sanctus! :)

All in all it's such a diverse album. First albums of any musical artist or group tend to show them bursting with ideas and passion and this one is no exception. Even though I'm not as thrilled about Liam's voice as I once was (tastes change and develop..). His solos do have that nostalgic Libera feeling to them, from an era long gone. Times change too ;)


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