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Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 2:38 am
by PaulWSpaceRockDodger
While it is unfortunate that Libera's Washington concert was cancelled, I fully understand John Rexroad's explanation. I'm sure that this has been a useful learning experience for concert planners and will contribute to more realistic scheduling of future tour concerts. Let's also keep this cancellation in perspective: we should remember the enormous contribution that Mr Rexroad has made and is continuing to make to Libera. As Libera fans, we owe him a lot. Sometimes things don't work out as planned, and mistakes are made, but as his message on indicates, the lesson has been learned, and the April 2015 tour will still be a success.

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:23 pm
by JimmyRiddle
It was always going to be a bit tricky to have back-to-back concerts when it involves travelling in between. Thankfully the other concerts appear to be unaffected and still go ahead. Hopefully they'll make the most of that extra day off!

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:20 pm
by alcesalcesobservator
Actually it's a bit of a relief that the cancellation was due to scheduling and not due to poor attendance.

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:19 am
by hiskeys
I was thinking the same thing - glad it's just due to logistics; still disappointing though.

I wonder if they could arrange something on the 6th, halfway in between the 4th and the 8th? It still gives a day's rest between each. Perhaps a larger church (Episcopal/Church of England?) would be happy to have them, and might be able to help gather a decent crowd. Maybe something on the way like Dallas or St. Louis, or a little further east like Nashville or Cincinnati. They were able to get about 200 for the candlelight concert in New York City at the last minute. And it might draw other Libera fans who were too far away from either San Antonio or Chicago.

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:47 am
by TullyBascombe
hiskeys wrote:I was thinking the same thing - glad it's just due to logistics; still disappointing though.

I wonder if they could arrange something on the 6th, halfway in between the 4th and the 8th? It still gives a day's rest between each. Perhaps a larger church (Episcopal/Church of England?) would be happy to have them, and might be able to help gather a decent crowd. Maybe something on the way like Dallas or St. Louis, or a little further east like Nashville or Cincinnati. They were able to get about 200 for the candlelight concert in New York City at the last minute. And it might draw other Libera fans who were too far away from either San Antonio or Chicago.
Few Episcopalian churches would be suitable for a Libera concert. Most are fairly small. Most dioceses have perhaps one large church that is the seat of the bishop. There is a time factor, larger churches tend to have busier calendars, the calendar would need to be cleared. I think there really isn't enough time to throw something together now.

Anyway, Libera doesn't really have a predilection for Episcopal churches. I think that in all of their tours of the US they've had concerts in Episcopal churches only once or twice - I'm certain of only one. They don't seem to go through official church channels. AFAIK they select their venues by networking, i.e., friends and contacts.

There is no Church of England in the US. Part of the agreement of the Anglican Communion is that the various members don't invade each others territories.

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 3:46 pm
by Surpinto
I do not see how attendance did not play a role. Only about one-third of the seats were ever sold. I was checking regularly because the Warner Theatre is a large and not inexpensive venue for them to perform at and I was worried from the beginning about their ability to fill those seats; as you can see in my earlier posts in this thread.

I'm sure it was mostly logistics, but that concert didn't have many seats filled - let's be perfectly honest.

Regardless, I don't blame them for cancelling for whatever reasons they chose to do so and I am not blaming anybody. They worked very hard to make so many concerts happen and 1 out of 5 being cancelled is not bad considering this tour was particular ambitious.

I wish them luck even though I am really sad that I won't be able to see them; which is disappointing seeing as I have been looking forward to that DC concert for months.

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:44 am
by dani
It looks like from the photos on Twitter we could get some new boys on this tour . I guess some of the boys are 12/13 and 14 so new boys are a most .

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:58 am
by fan_de_LoK
There was a lot of newbies at St John Upper Norwood for the Christmas concert.
Seeing how much Libera tease us on twitter and FB with the newbies, we may discover Wednesday an unusually large renewal in the choir. Possibly larger that the many surprises we had 3 years ago at the first concert in Singapore.

5 days to wait and we will know :)

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:08 pm
by dani
Patrick when do you fly to th u.s ?

I hope you and the choir have a wonderful trip :)

Let's hope for some new songs and new soloists as well :)

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 5:57 pm
by JimmyRiddle
Wilbur tickets going for half price here

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:53 pm
by fan_de_LoK
Hi Dani, I will take off quite soon, tomorrow morning :)

Currently packing.

It's a bit tricky to choose clothes due to the different weather on the different places.
It's going to be a mix of the Canada Spring tour 2011 and USA Summer tour 2011,
On I saw a minimum of -5 C° in Boston, with a snow fall of an inch expected for Saturday. And a maximum of +31 C°expected in San Antonio for the 2nd of April ! So I need altogether gloves, scarf, sweater, tee-shirts, short and sunscreen :mrgreen:

I join your wishes to have plenty of new songs and new soloists. What a delight to be present at the first concert of a new season, when nothing is yet known and everything can occur at each song that starts :)

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:14 pm
by dani
Haha , at least you get to experience different weather over your trip :)

Yes , it's always exciting to be at the first concert of a new tour to see the new set list .

Also you will get to meet the new mini boys as well .

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:52 pm
by Surpinto
Keep us posted, fan_de_LoK, and anyone else attending any of these concerts. I am very excited for all of you :D

Have a good flight.

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:59 am
by LuxVenit
I know I'm not known here on the forum, but I'll be at the Chicago concert. I'm excited, but nervous as my sister, brother-in-law, and their kids are driving down from Minnesota which is about a 6 hour drive (without figuring in traffic). Just my sister and I are going to the concert though - the "kids" are taking a mini vacation, aka staying in the hotel. :P

Re: USA spring tour 2015...

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:41 am
by fan_de_LoK
Nice plan :)
I did the same for the 2011 Summer tour, it took me 7 hours to drive from St Paul to Chicago.

Any hope you can motivate your whole group to come to the concert ?
It's a shame if they miss this very rare occasion to hear and see a libera concert.