Concert in Arundel - 15 May 2010

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Post by phlibera »

Hello Yorkie and all...

RE: Japanese fans. What a coincidence then that three Japanese fans showed up in Manila and three Japanese fans showed up in London. :)

RE: Ben Crawley, concert producer. He was credited as such in the program, so he doesn't have to be physically there to be responsible for the setup, setlist, choreography, etc. Perhaps Robert Prizeman isn't only grooming the performers, but also the (newish) behind-the-scenes folks.

I remember back in high school when we staged plays, the director would be present in every aspect of it during planning and rehearsals, from lighting, to sound, to props, to blocking, to acting. But during the performance itself, he would just sit in the audience (albeit armed with a comm device, but never used it unless truly necessary).

RE: Lip-synching. I couldn't speak for Arundel, but it's probably the same as in Manila last month. There was no hint of lip-synching at all. The closest thing to this was in "Love and Mercy" at the very last line of the song. James Mordaunt barely opened his mouth and yet"mercy and love" was very audible, but I believe his microphone was just amplified because the way that line was sung, you really barely open your mouth. Like Yorkie, I believe that if Josh no longer has the range (which I don't believe he doesn't), the song would have been dropped completely or sang by somebody else. Ralph would come to mind, or Jakob.
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Post by dani »

Not just Josh it was also Ben's part. He was never perfect in the other solos and you could tell his voice was changing and deeeping and yet no hint of it in Time.

I honestly dont mind what people think as i was also not the ony one to think it had been mimed- alted in some way. And i still believe this. It was just to spot on to the cd recording - surge in Josh's part did not help me change my mind either.
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Post by Yorkie »

One of the other fans that dani mentions was a guy called Chris who I also met in Edinburgh. He has been to many Libera concerts but is also a fan of other choirs (he queues all night for the Christmas Eve Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at Kings for example). He is also a former chorister and I think still sings with the choir at his local cathedral. I would have to say that when it comes to technical knowledge of singing he seems to know his stuff - far more than I ever will that's for sure.

So, in dani's defence, it is a possibility that needs to be considered.
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Post by Yorkie »

danieb88 wrote:Yorkie - I did I was stealing Toms toast beforehand though :D Im not really sure why I guessed it was you - I think its cos I saw a glimpse of you in the concert (orange t shirt slightly hidden away!) and put teo and two together! Im very sorry I didnt say hello - next time for sure!

Thanks Carina for the advice on images - ill sort that out over the weekend, although the quality isnt brilliant!
I did wonder what two youngsters like yourself were doing in a middle aged town like Arundel - it didn't cross my mind that you were there for the concert.

I have to say that convenient a location as St Mary's Gate Inn was, it wasn't the highest quality of accommodation I've ever stayed in. I think I might try the Swan next time - costs more but when you get to a certain age you need the luxury of extra soft toilet tissue.

Oh, and please ask Patrick about his shower - he might even post the picture if you're really lucky! :lol:
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Post by phlibera »

That's okay Dani. You stick with what you observed in Arundel, and I'll stick to what I have observed in Manila. Reverb was used in the concert. I remember this distinctly. But I will have to disagree with "spot on to the cd recording". It wasn't. Both Josh and Ben sounded "older" in the concert. And from where I sat at both shows in Manila, I could clearly see their lips. And if they designed it for lip-synching, why would they have Alex and Ralph sing with Josh for the verses? I think it's Alex and Ralph, that's how they compensated for Josh's voice change, not lip-synching. I could understand maybe a pre-recorded backing vocals to give the choir a fuller sound, but the pre-recorded solos for a live concert?

I think it's one of those Tom Cully/Ave Virgo thing, where we strongly hold on to what we are predisposed to believing.
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Post by Jyaire »

Yorkie wrote:Jyaire my friend. Did you make it to the service at St Paul's in the afternoon? If so, what did you think of that and how do our Cathedral choirs compare to those in France? How did you find London and England?
Hi Yorkie,

Let me make a copy and paste what I wrote on the French forum, but I add the bottom of the message further on comparisons between France and England for children's voices.

So St Paul, was first the pleasure of seeing a beautiful place! The preparation of Evensong is a real ceremony, with master of ceremony that put us, and magnificent processions to the sound of the organ located two beyond the central dome.

However, I found it very long (too long). Not the songs, but the installation of new priests just before Evensong. Many speeches, no songs, and I was disappointed. The only fun thing was hearing families in each parish who encouraged the new pastor installed!

When singing, I could not find the sound excellent, but still, I liked certain songs and, as for the mass Norbury, I was surprised by the enthusiastic participation of the assembly.
There were only 12 children I think, but their voice was clear although some final (especially the "Amen"), and little moments of musical beauty, I do not regret having been there!

Regarding the voice, I found the male voice quavering a bit too, but Lisa told me it was the style "opera". Perhaps a style I have trouble hearing? It must be said that I was a little tired.

Next time, I would have to be sitting in the stele, to sing with them and hear them better. ;)
Then go to St. Paul after a concert of Libera, it was not the right order. Libera is too perfect! ^ ^

By cons, how fortunate is that you, in England, all offices are beautiful and sung! makes you want to move!

In France, we do not really religious choral culture. There was, at the time, but now there remains only a few boys' choir whose outputs are rare. Or some religious communities who sing (choir boys sing rarely, they only serve the Mass).
Seen from us, when we like the children's choir, so it's tempting to come out to your office! But however few choirs, religious or not, remarkable for us. You may have heard of the Boys Choir of St. Mark (the film singers) or group "Sotto Voce", very much alive in choir, but not so well known to the general public.

Anyway, I loved my little trip to London and England, and driving on the left went well! Thank you again for your welcome. :-)

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Post by Yorkie »

Thanks for the report Jyaire. Seems you were unlucky with the service at St Paul's, normally there are 30 boys (and possibly 8 probationers or trainee choristers) and 12 men (16 men on Sundays + religious events) and you also got speeches about new vicars!

The problem with the sound at St Paul's is the huge dome - it creates a terrible echo and they have to sing songs at a different tempo than might be normal elsewhere. Also, as you said, it is huge and that is why they have 30 boys rather than the normal 12 - 16. I'm not surprised you were not convinced by the sound having only so few boys singing.

I've posted some youtube clips of St Paul's over on the French site so you can see them at their best.

Another thing I remembered about Arundel - we didn't get a costume change to the black robes. Wonder why?
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Post by Yorkie »

Treble over on the French forum found this from a Dutch fan:

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Post by Yorkie »

I tell you what, I think our French friends are as good value as the Filipino fans for posting and sharing material - they may be few in numbers but they make up for it in dedication!

Jyaire has posted this on the French forum - it has a little bit of the their travel over to England but some nice footage of the first group of boys arriving to rehearsal. Hope you don't mind me linking your video here guys.

Last edited by Yorkie on Thu May 20, 2010 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by chix »

Thanks for the wonderful reviews, pictures and videos! :)
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Post by Jude Andrew »

Nice video Jyaire, thanks for sharing it Yorkie.
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Post by phlibera »

Thanks for scouring the French forums and posting the goods here Yorkie. :)

Thanks to the French fans for sharing their goods as well.
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Post by Jyaire »

Thanks Yorkie for sharing my video here !
And don't worry, if I'd like to keep pictures for me, I haven't made a video on Youtube :)

But for me, the best pictures are the ones in my head, during concert, and on next day in Norbury !

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Post by phlibera »

Jyaire wrote:But for me, the best pictures are the ones in my head, during concert, and on next day in Norbury !

Thanks, JR. Your account of the concert and the next morning at Norbury (yeah, I sometimes scour the French forum myself armed only with Google Translate) were wonderful. Lucky you.

Merci beaucoup.
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Post by jennaluvspbr »

phlibera wrote:
Jyaire wrote:But for me, the best pictures are the ones in my head, during concert, and on next day in Norbury !

Thanks, JR. Your account of the concert and the next morning at Norbury (yeah, I sometimes scour the French forum myself armed only with Google Translate) were wonderful. Lucky you.

Merci beaucoup.
thanks so much happy boys i hope all is will with them its so cool how big of a gruop there is its a wonder
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