questions for us to know each other more

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questions for us to know each other more

Post by krishna mie »

hi guys. let's know each other more by posting questions that anybody could answer...

the answers would let us know each other more... i'll start it with this set:

1) What is the hardest word for you to say?

2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?

3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch?

4) What time did you sleep last night?

5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?

6) What can you hear besides the computer?

7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?

8) When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?

9) The last person you were on the phone with?

10) What makes you frustrated?

11) What song are you listening to?

12) Current mood?

13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?

14) What's your favorite song at the moment?

15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept?

16) What was the best event that happened last year?

17) Where have you been today?

18) Last thing you ate?

19) Who are you with right now?

21) Do you love sunsets?

23) What are your wishes for your birthday?

24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday?

25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?

26) Things you regret?

27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly?

28) What do you hate most that people tell you?

29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream?

31) What's your plan next week?

32) Missing someone?

33) What's her/his role in your life?

34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?

35) Interesting thing that happened to you today?
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Post by libera36 »

Well, here's mine!

1) What is the hardest word for you to say?

Never the same one!

2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?

I got everything already, my birthday was earlier this month :D

3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch?


4) What time did you sleep last night?

Uhh.... well, it was probably around midnight when I fell asleep :oops:

5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?

Some pretty picture I found. I like pretty pictures!

6) What can you hear besides the computer?

My fish tank and my little brother talking about something... I'm not listening though, so I can't tell you what he's saying!

7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?

A quote from Harry Potter. Usually a different one each time I get bored.

8) When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?

Probably... Maybe it was last Saturday, because I hurt my arm.

9) The last person you were on the phone with?

Uhh.... Might have been my mom.

10) What makes you frustrated?

Tough math problems. And headaches.

11) What song are you listening to?

Nothing right now.

12) Current mood?

Happy, but a little sad because our (so far) only snow fall of the year is melting. All 1 1/2 inches of it.

13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?

Depends on the problem... Usually nobody, but sometimes my mom or my cat

14) What's your favorite song at the moment?

Umm.... She Is by The Fray. And obviously everything Libera, but they are a different category! The always favorite category!

15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept?

Suo Gan by Aled Jones!

16) What was the best event that happened last year?

Discovering Libera, I think! But that was at the end of 2007... Does it count?

17) Where have you been today?

No where.

18) Last thing you ate?

Ice cream

19) Who are you with right now?

My cat. And I can hear my little brother making noise in another room of the house.

21) Do you love sunsets?


23) What are your wishes for your birthday?

I haven't really decided what I wished for... But I can't tell anyone!

24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday?

My family.

25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?


26) Things you regret?

Not a whole lot. Well, I regret skipping a little bit of homework yesterday. I'll just have to do it today...

27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly?

In Paradisum. And now, Mother of God!

28) What do you hate most that people tell you?

Well, it used to really bug me when people would say "You've grown since I last saw you!" because I didn't know what the best response to that is. "Thank you" didn't seem right, and "Yup." seemed a little blunt

29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream?

Can't I have both??

31) What's your plan next week?

More school work.

32) Missing someone?

Not particularly. But I wouldn't mind seeing my great aunt a little more!

33) What's her/his role in your life?

Like a grandmother!

34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?

Not on purpose!

35) Interesting thing that happened to you today?

Nothing yet! :D
Last edited by libera36 on Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by danieb88 »

Ill have a go!

1) What is the hardest word for you to say?
It varies!
2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?
Ive only just had my birthday and I got what I wanted - a new iPod!
3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch?
a hairbrush!
4) What time did you sleep last night?
too late - about 3.30am
5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?
the mountains in vermont
6) What can you hear besides the computer?
artful dodgers album
7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?
lol (online that is!)
8) When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?
out of sadness - during seven pounds (film), out of laughter - last night
9) The last person you were on the phone with?
my bf
10) What makes you frustrated?
11) What song are you listening to?
Woman Trouble - artful dodger
12) Current mood?
tired from revision!
13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?
my mum, best mate or bf!
14) What's your favorite song at the moment?
blimy it changes hourly! I keep listening to Sancte at the mo
15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept?
I think the Angel Voices Live version of Sanctus
16) What was the best event that happened last year?
I dont know - there were a few great things!
17) Where have you been today?
not very far from my desk! (stupid revision)
18) Last thing you ate?
BIG breakfast at a cafe in town!
19) Who are you with right now?
No one! :( my housemates are downstairs though!
21) Do you love sunsets?
of course!
23) What are your wishes for your birthday?
lol its abit far away to start thinking about that!
24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday?
my bf, my closest friends and my family!
25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?
yeh in the past!
26) Things you regret?
Only one properly...
27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly?
all of them! I have a playlist of my fav ones on my ipod and that will do me quite nicely!
2 What do you hate most that people tell you?
Im not sure!
29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream?
31) What's your plan next week?
32) Missing someone?
Yeh my bf!
33) What's her/his role in your life?
My bf and best friend :)
34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?
Yes, not on purpose though!
35) Interesting thing that happened to you today?
haha nothing, I had breakfast out and made mufins with my housemates - about it really! Revisions taken over!
Danie :D
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Post by Jude Andrew »

Ok then, here goes...

1) What is the hardest word for you to say? Sorry

2) What do you want to receive on your birthday? A Piano

3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch? My cell phone

4) What time did you sleep last night? Not sure, about midnight.

5) What's the wallpaper on your computer? A theme "Windows V Walls"

6) What can you hear besides the computer? TV upstairs and my mother in law !! :roll:

7) What is your favorite line to say when bored? "it is what it is"

When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek? I honestly don't remember.

9) The last person you were on the phone with? My boss (saddo !)

10) What makes you frustrated? Laziness, procrastination and ineffective people.

11) What song are you listening to? Human by The Killers

12) Current mood? Tired, relaxed.

13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob? My wife

14) What's your favorite song at the moment? "How can I keep from Singing"

15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept? hmmmmm, no idea....

16) What was the best event that happened last year? Libera concert in Torquay !! (and 3 weeks in the Caribbean :lol: )

17) Where have you been today? South Dublin

1 Last thing you ate? A biscuit

19) Who are you with right now? My 14 year old son, he is on Xbox in the same room.

21) Do you love sunsets? No opinion to be honest, but I don't dislike them.

23) What are your wishes for your birthday? None really, at this stage they are irrelevant :lol:

24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday? My family

25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted? oh yeah

26) Things you regret? Too many to list here but yes, I do.

27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly? The Prayer

2 What do you hate most that people tell you? "To do what I'm told"

29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream? Niether. Not a Chocolate fan.

31) What's your plan next week? Work, Kids, work, travel, work, kids.

32) Missing someone? Not really..... my grandmother (she was 102 when she died)

33) What's her/his role in your life? She raised my from about 6 months of age.

34) Have you hurt somebody in the past? Sure, haven't we all ??

35) Interesting thing that happened to you today? Nothing really, pretty uneventful day.
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Post by kthomp »

1) What is the hardest word for you to say?

scissors < really hard to say when you have a slight lisp

2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?

well just had one but money for more driving lessons if i havent passed

3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch?

tv remote

4) What time did you sleep last night?

10pm < dad stole the tv and put history on :evil:

5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?

a picture my dad took in norway

6) What can you hear besides the computer?

QI on tv and dad trying to sing :x

7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?


8) When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?

ummm.... when i slammed finger in car door

9) The last person you were on the phone with?

my bf during lunch break

10) What makes you frustrated?

when people say they are not to gd then you ask why and they say dosent matter :!:

11) What song are you listening to?

nothing tv is on

12) Current mood?


13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?

my friend karen and bf < unless he is the problem lol

14) What's your favorite song at the moment?

voca me by libera

15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept?

a african song i learnt years ago

16) What was the best event that happened last year?

there was lots but prob my friend having her baby

17) Where have you been today?

pre school for placement and work

18) Last thing you ate?

chilli con carne

19) Who are you with right now?

dad well not with him he is in the dinning room im in the lounge

21) Do you love sunsets?

yes i do especially when i see it set over the isle of wight

23) What are your wishes for your birthday?

havent got many really.... not yet :D

24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday?

my family, friends and bf

25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?

not really

26) Things you regret?

loads i regret mainly not going to the hospital the day before my friend died

27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly?

sacris solemnis and mysterium

2 What do you hate most that people tell you?

to pronunce my S's

29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream?

umm cake

31) What's your plan next week?

to go to pre school, college and work < i lead a intresting life... not

32) Missing someone?

yep adam and lisa R.I.P

33) What's her/his role in your life?

both my best friends at different stages of my life

34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?

not on purpose

35) Interesting thing that happened to you today?

ummm nothing really
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Post by TEB »

1) What is the hardest word for you to say?
Washer, I have to think not to put an extra R in it and say warsher.

2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?
A trip to Norbury to meet the boys.

3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch?

4) What time did you sleep last night?

5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?
Trans-Siberian Orchestra in concert.

6) What can you hear besides the computer?

7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?

When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?
When sick with the flu last week and no one would come to help take care of me.

9) The last person you were on the phone with?
My boss.

10) What makes you frustrated?
Rude people.

11) What song are you listening to?
Nothing right now.

12) Current mood?

13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?
My best friend.

14) What's your favorite song at the moment?
Alone You Breath by Savatage from their cd, Handfull of Rain.

15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept?
Michael Horncastle's Far Away.
16) What was the best event that happened last year?
I was promoted to corporal in my Civil War re-enactment unit.
17) Where have you been today?
Work and the bank
1 Last thing you ate?
Spam sandwich.

19) Who are you with right now?
No one. Always alone.
21) Do you love sunsets?
23) What are your wishes for your birthday?
To be able to get a job working with music instead of cooking. Would really wish to be allowed to get a job with Libera.
24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday?
25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?
Yes, most of the time.
26) Things you regret?
Not joining the Coast Guard when I was 18.
27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly?
Michael Horncastle's Far Away
2 What do you hate most that people tell you?
that I am old(50)
29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream?
31) What's your plan next week?
32) Missing someone?

33) What's her/his role in your life?
True love( they committed suicide)
34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?

35) Interesting thing that happened to you today?
Had the clerk in Dollar General help me get something to make my cough go away.
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Post by xsakurax »

1) What is the hardest word for you to say?

2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?
Attending a Libera live performance, or a trip to Switzerland/Canada

3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch?
My book shelf?

4) What time did you sleep last night?
1.30am, was doing school work.

5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?
Swiss Alps!

6) What can you hear besides the computer?
Sound from the TV?

7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?
Sian. (It means boring in chinese/singlish)

8) When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?
Can't really remember.

9) The last person you were on the phone with?
My sister, to get me dinner.

10) What makes you frustrated?
Many things. Especially when I'm stuck while doing school work.

11) What song are you listening to?
Not at the moment, but 15 mins ago was listening to Libera's Love and Mercy.

12) Current mood?
Tired. Still have a lot of homework to do!

13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?
My parents, my best friends or maybe no one.

14) What's your favorite song at the moment?

15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept?

16) What was the best event that happened last year?
Well, I'm not so sure..

17) Where have you been today?
Stayed at home whole day to do homework. Poor little kid, right?

18) Last thing you ate?
Dinner? Rice with fish, vege, mock meat. Haha.

19) Who are you with right now?

21) Do you love sunsets?
I don't know.

23) What are your wishes for your birthday?
Loads of them!

24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday?
Family and friends!

25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?
Well, alot of the time!

26) Things you regret?

27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly?
All the songs, I guess?

28) What do you hate most that people tell you?
I really don't know.

29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream?

31) What's your plan next week?
Is staying at home to study considered a plan? OMG, I'm such a nerd. What to do, there's exams to study for!

32) Missing someone?
Yeah. My Gran.

33) What's her/his role in your life?
Read 32.

34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?
Don't think so.

35) Interesting thing that happened to you today?
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Post by carina_gino20 »

1) What is the hardest word for you to say?

I can't really remember.

2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?

A ticket to a Libera concert? I don't really have anything material yet in mind coz it's a long way to go before my birthday.. Mostly just good health for me and my family.

3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch?

empty space

4) What time did you sleep last night?

around 2 am

5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?

A shot of the sea that I took from the villas in Pearl Farm Resort in Davao, Philippines

6) What can you hear besides the computer?

vehicles passing by...I live close to a highway

7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?

I'm bored and I want to sleep.

8) When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?

last night? nothing serious though

9) The last person you were on the phone with?

my brother

10) What makes you frustrated?

when I can't understand my lessons and can't do assignments and tutorials

11) What song are you listening to?

Ave Maria by Bach

12) Current mood?

Guilty for not studying

13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?


14) What's your favorite song at the moment?

Air by Bach

15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept?

I can't remember

16) What was the best event that happened last year?

I got to go to the World Youth Day in Australia and saw the Pope (fleetingly).

17) Where have you been today?

to the church...went for a befriender's briefing session and spiritual preparation for Catholic Awareness Week on campus this coming week

18) Last thing you ate?

Nasi Lemak - Literal translation is Fat(ty) Rice. It's a Malay dish that's usually composed of rice, chicken wing, sunny side-up egg, and fish and peanuts.

19) Who are you with right now?

My roommate

21) Do you love sunsets?

I adore them.

23) What are your wishes for your birthday?

That I will do well in my studies...that I'll somehow see Libera in concert live...that I'll somehow get to watch a San Antonio Spurs game live and see my favorite player again.

24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday?

my whole family

25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?


26) Things you regret?

a lot of stuff...i try not to remember them. :P

27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly?

anything particular, maybe Prayer, or Air, or Silent Night

28) What do you hate most that people tell you?

I don't know...maybe when they tell me what I've done isn't good enough. Or maybe when they keep on rushing me to do stuff.

29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream?

ice cream

31) What's your plan next week?

Help out for the Catholic Awareness Week...try to be productive in doing my project and writing assignments

32) Missing someone?

My family

33) What's her/his role in your life?

the only home that I know of

34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?


35) Interesting thing that happened to you today?

managed to talk and share about stuff with someone I just met
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Re: questions for us to know each other more

Post by DrewE »

Neat idea...I'll give it a go.

1) What is the hardest word for you to say?'s hard to think of one particular word. Sometimes a word just temporarily gets wedged sideways in my brain or mouth, and I can't get it out, but it's not always the same word.

2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?
Nothing in particular. It would be nice if the CDs I ordered awhile ago would arrive. (My birthday is in a few days, as it turns out.)

3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch?
A spare chair, with a bit of random clutter on it.

4) What time did you sleep last night?
That's an interesting one; I was a volunteer leader with an overnight church youth event called Night Flight, which went from 8:30 PM to 7:00 AM. I pretty much crashed (into bed) when I got home.

5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?
Right now, the big statue from the Nagasaki Peace Park. It cycles pictures from a big set every couple of minutes.

6) What can you hear besides the computer?
Bathtub filling, fridge running; if those were to stop, I'd hear the furnace blower running.

7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?
I don't really have one.

8) When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?
I can't recall offhand.

9) The last person you were on the phone with?
Telemarketer trying to get me to extended the warranty on my car, which hasn't been under warranty for some years now....

10) What makes you frustrated?
Depending upon my mood, people who call me on the phone and talk and talk and talk and won't get to the point.

11) What song are you listening to?
Right now, nothing. Most recently I had "The Cage" by "Dirt Poor Robins" playing in my car.

12) Current mood?
Generally cheerful, physically sleepy and a bit stiff.

13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?
It depends upon the nature of the problem, of course; but in general, probably some friend from church.

14) What's your favorite song at the moment?
Hmmm...Maybe "I Will Go" by "Starfield." I like the song itself a lot, but am ambivalent at best to their particular performance. There's a lot of songs I really like, though.

15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept?
I didn't have time for songs to ring in my head before I fell asleep!

16) What was the best event that happened last year?
Many good things happened last year; one of the things I most look forward to and enjoy every year is the week I volunteer as a summer camp counsellor for a cabin full of boys. It's exhausting but ever so much worth the effort.

17) Where have you been today?
Let's the past 24 hours, I worked from home, then went to Essex Alliance Church (stopping on the way at a gas station), Cairns Ice Arena, the Patrick Gymnasium at UVM, Spare Time bowling alley, Denny's, and back home. That's a lot more than typical for me.

18) Last thing you ate?
Breakfast at Denny's: Belgian waffle with cinnamon apple topping, bacon, and sausage. Delicious.

19) Who are you with right now?
Nobody; I'm a bachelor.

21) Do you love sunsets?
I like sunsets. Sunrises are great, too, but I'm not too often up for them. This time of year, I'm usually still in my office at work when the sun sets...bummer.

23) What are your wishes for your birthday?
Good question. I have a good friend who, taking to heart that "it is more blessed to give than to receive," always gives a gift to whoever's around on his birthday. I've always wanted to do that sometime.

24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday?
Hmmm...I don't really know. Hanging out with Libera would be fun (but, of course, unlikely beyond any actual consideration).

25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?
A few times.

26) Things you regret?
Too many to list here, but thankfully fewer than many people.

27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly?
It generally doesn't work that way so well for me; I get too attentive to the song and the lyrics and then I don't get to sleep.

28) What do you hate most that people tell you?
Most frequently when they tell me something I know is true but wish wasn't and want to ignore. (It does irk me when the talk about "taking the offertory" at church. The offertory is the music that gets played while the offering is being taken; unless they are planning on running off with the music, which hasn't happened yet, the correct phrase would be "taking the offering.")

29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream?
Chocolate cake. (Peppermint stick ice cream beats most any other desert, though.)

31) What's your plan next week?
Work, look at a few houses (with the hope of purchasing one)

32) Missing someone?
Not at the moment. I do sometimes miss my father who passed away not long before my ninth birthday.

33) What's her/his role in your life?
Father, friend, mentor, buddy, etc.

34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?

35) Interesting thing that happened to you today?
I played in a pickup game of basketball for the first time in quite awhile, and didn't entirely cover myself and my team in shame. I did end up flat on the floor during just about the first play, thankfully without any ill effects.
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Post by kjackson83 »

hehe this is fun...

1) What is the hardest word for you to say?

2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?
A BA ticket to Heathrow. One way. And a tidy little house in rural Surrey.

3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch?
A night stand

4) What time did you sleep last night?
Midnight, as usual

5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?
The glorious British flag (flying right-side-up, I might add!)

6) What can you hear besides the computer?
Fans and the BBC World Service

7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?
Hmm... no, seriously, that's it: 'Hmm..."

8. When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?
Umm...SHH! After watching The British from Above on BBC One's Britain from Above, the 'rough cuts'

9) The last person you were on the phone with?
Tech support

10) What makes you frustrated?
Graduate school!!!!!

11) What song are you listening to?
the 'soundtrack' to BBC One's magnificent production, Britain from Above

12) Current mood?

13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?
lol who knows?

14) What's your favorite song at the moment?
'The British from Above' from BBC One's Britain from Above--ironically, it would make a beautiful, almost heart-rending accompaniment for Libera's next musical miracle (yeah, yeah, all the Brits on the forum think it's SOOOOO weird, how madly in love I am with the BBC! :P :D )

15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept?
Bela Fleck / Claude Debussy: Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum (not nearly as bizarre as it sounds, I promise)...

16) What was the best event that happened last year?
I chalked up a record number of friends overseas via here and World Service

17) Where have you been today?
Campus all day (and night)

18. Last thing you ate?

19) Who are you with right now?
Just me

21) Do you love sunsets?
Somewhat--they make me feel lonely from time to time.

23) What are your wishes for your birthday?
Didn't we cover this already? A BA ticket and a rural house in Surrey!

24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday?
Family and friends

25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?

26) Things you regret?
Hey now ;)

27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly?
Angelis, off the self-titled album

28. What do you hate most that people tell you?
'You misspell all these words!!' (people on the receiving end of my essays/book reviews/&c typed out on a computer using British-English spellings)....

29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream?
Ice cream

31) What's your plan next week?
More of the same, lol...

32) Missing someone?
Not that I can think of...

33) What's her/his role in your life?

34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?

35) Interesting thing that happened to you today?
I got a personal email from the Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons responding to a small set of questions I am researching!
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Post by kjackson83 »

*nudge :wink:
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Post by libera36 »

*another nudge :P
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Post by tcenrt »

1.) What is the hardest word for you to say?
( I try and try, just can't say it)

2) What do you want to receive on your birthday?
hugs from my children

3) Reach your hand out to the right, what do you touch?
my desk light

4) What time did you sleep last night?

5) What's the wallpaper on your computer?
Hmm...I am one of those boring people, no wall paper

6) What can you hear besides the computer?
My husband and my son watching the hockey game

7) What is your favorite line to say when bored?
Well, OK, let's move on.

8. When was the last time tears started to roll down your cheek?
Listening to Martina McBride's 'In my daughter's eyes' on Mother's day

9) The last person you were on the phone with?
MY husband, wanted me to pick him up from work.

10) What makes you frustrated?
Work that's never done

11) What song are you listening to?
Hayley Westenra's 'May it be'

12) Current mood?

13) Who will you turn to if you have a huge prob?
define huge!! I really don't know

14) What's your favorite song at the moment?
As #11

15) What was the last song that kept ringing on your mind last night before you slept?
As #11

16) What was the best event that happened last year?
I got a new job

17) Where have you been today?
At work

18. Last thing you ate?
Black bean chicken

19) Who are you with right now?
I am by myself

21) Do you love sunsets?
yes, but not as much as the sunrise

23) What are your wishes for your birthday?
As #2

24) Who do you want to be w/ on the day of your birthday?
Family and friends

25) Have you ever felt that you've been taken for granted?

26) Things you regret?
Can't think of any now

27) Libera song that could make you sleep soundly?

28. What do you hate most that people tell you?
'I can't talk to you right now'

29) Chocolate cake or chocolate ice cream?

31) What's your plan next week?
Visiting my daughter in California

32) Missing someone?
my daughter

33) What's her/his role in your life? daughter

34) Have you hurt somebody in the past?

35) Interesting thing that happened to you today?
Got a job offer after attending a training session
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Post by libera36 »

6) What can you hear besides the computer?
My husband and my son watching the hockey game
Ooo, what game was it?? I saw a bit of the Capitals-Penguins game and I am very happy with the outcome :P I'm a Capitals fan :wink:
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Post by tcenrt »

Oh, upstair right now is Canucks central. I am staying away from the crazy Canucks. :lol: :lol:

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