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Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:47 pm
by filiarheni
I've great trouble with creating a list, no listing icon does it the way I want it to be - what do I do wrong?

I understand that I have to assign the bullet point list icon to every line. But afterwards, it's not single-spaced anymore:
  • test1
  • test2
  • test3
Using the other icon - [*]text - this is the result, single-space but no bullets and no indention:


Using the 123 icon:
  1. test8
  • test9
  • test10

:lol: :cry: :lol: All wrong! Why?

I would like bullet points or consecutive numbers and single-spaced rows and indention. Please, can anyone help?

Re: Lists

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:00 am
by fan_de_LoK
The correct way to use that 'list' tag is by encapsulating the star tags between the two 'list' '/list'.
Thus there is only one 'list' at the beginning, and only one '/list' at the end.
And between the two you put as many stars as you like, each star constituting a new entry in the list :)

Example, you used this syntax:

Code: Select all

Which gives this result:
  • test1
  • test2
  • test3
This creates 3 independent lists, each having only one entry.


The correct syntax is instead:

Code: Select all

Which gives one list having three entries :
  • test1
  • test2
  • test3

The same with a numbered list, and a bit of bold to highlight the entries titles :

Code: Select all

Second line of Test 1
Second line of test 2
Third line of test 2
  1. test1
    Second line of Test 1
  2. test2
    Second line of test 2
    Third line of test 2
  3. test3

Of course you can embed lists into lists :wink:

Code: Select all

  1. Apple
    1. aaaaa
      1. zzzzz
      2. yyyyy
      3. xxxxx
    2. bbbbb
      1. wwwww
      2. vvvvv
      3. uuuuu
  2. Banana
    1. ccccc
      1. ttttt
      2. sssss
      3. rrrrr
    2. ddddd
      1. qqqqq
      2. ppppp
      3. ooooo
  3. Cherry
    1. eeeee
      1. nnnnn
      2. mmmmm
      3. lllll
    2. fffff
      1. kkkkk
      2. jjjjj
      3. iiiii

Re: Lists

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:16 pm
by filiarheni
Et voilà! :wink: :) Yes, it works! I have just exercised it and "beautified" my recent post here.

Thank you so much, fan_de_LoK, super explanation! :D

Re: Lists

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 3:02 am
by kinda_k00l
Thank you, Patrick! I'm not at all familiar with the list function of this forum (or any other forum), your explanation helps A LOT!! :D