Young boy killed in my local area by a hit and run driver.

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Re: Young boy killed in my local area by a hit and run drive

Post by DeProfundis130 »

symphonica7 wrote:
DeProfundis130 wrote:
Murkskis wrote:This world is not perfect. But the hope is still alive.

Rest in peace.
A For Sure, Big Amen, To That!

Thank You & Peace.
TullyBascombe wrote:
paul30003 wrote:
TullyBascombe wrote:That is sad.

Did you know that when you click on your link it starts with an ad for a Cadillac? You know the type of ad where they show the car going through its paces, screeching around sharp curves and stuff like that? I thought that was a bit weird.
That is very insensitive, when I first viewed this new clip, there was no ad's
I thought it might be just a rotating ad, something that BBC might be doing to make the web news pay for itself, but when I went back it was the same commercial. Whoever linked that particular commercial to that news story must be a real idiot.

In my area within six weeks and a 50 mile radius of where I live there has been four same such incidents, with the exception of age differentials.
Also within recent years in this same locale these incidents (and I use that word very waredly) have come to be almost commonplace. I am choking back many issues and comments that this rises up in me. I've been blessed with a very deep and genuine regard for the phenomenon which brought me to this forum; "Libera", and I look forward to what time is left to me to continue the enjoyment of the shareings hereon.

Therefore, out of deep regard and respect for Paul, his town and most especially the Family and Friends of this youngster, whom are sincerely in my thoughts and prayers, I now deem it best to desist from further comment.

Peace, Gerald
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